HID macros: Software for sending keyboard macros activated from different USB devices

19.3.2023 - Development is over

Let's officially state what has been a reality for the last several years. I don't use Hidmacros/Luamacros any more and have no interest in improving it or even fixing existing bugs. I invest my personal time in other things which are more interesting for me now. So please don't expect any support from my side. I'm also removing all donation buttons. Thanks for being interested in and using these applications. Sources are still available on GitHub, so anyone can fork the app and improve it. You can always contact me via email or GitHub, but please don't expect support for applications issues.

5.4.2015 - HidMacros is dead. Welcome LuaMacros

Don't expect new version of HidMacros. Read this forum post for details.

18.3.2015 - German translation

German translation is part of download package now. Thanks to Denis Dogan for providing the file. The latest version includes german.lng file. For exisiting installations it's fine just to copy this file into lang subdirectory.

25.12.2014 - Source code available

HidMacros is now open source application. Code is available at github. Read this forum post for details.

3.10.2013 - Version 2.3 released

New version released.

12.7.2011 - Version 2.2 released

New version released.

29.4.2011 - Version 2.1 released

HIDMacros can send X-plane commands now. Command can be sent from script or directly as macro action. X-plane plugin has been updated. So it is required to copy new version of file HidMacrosXpl.xpl to X-plane plugins directory.

3.2.2011 - Version 2.0 released

Many new features added

Full list of features and their description can be found at scripting page.

31.10.2010 - Version 2.0 for beta testing

The application was improved with scripting support. Also iterfacing possibilities were extended (FSX variables, FSUIPC). Today first beta version was released and I'm looking for help with testing. The 2.0beta version can be downloaded here. Scripting possibilities are documented on special page. Any feedback is appreciated at my email or support forum. French language file must be enhanced with new strings. Please feel free to send me new version. Also note that version 2.0 uses xml configuration file instead of old ini. The content will be automatically converted once you run 2.0 first time. Then ini file can be deleted. This version is beta. Please test only at your own risk.

8.10.2010 - Version 1.7 with small improvements

Based on your requests small improvements were implemented.

7.11.2009 - Version 1.6 with localization

Added support for multiple languages. Currently HidMacros comes with English, French and Czech language. Any other language can be added. If you want to translate HidMacros to your language, just check lang directory and send me appropriate lng and rtf file. Thanks to Marc Berthomeaux for French translation and pushing me add multilanguage support :-).

21.7.2009 - Website modified

One long web page was divided into several sections. Some new information added.

28.4.2009 - New features in version 1.5

Some of you asked for toggle switch option. It is not a good idea to use keyboard button, because once the key is pressed keyboard driver keeps sending key-down messages to windows. However with Direct Input I'm able to manage various gamepads and joysticks. Buttons of game devices can be easily used for toggle switches. Having pressed e.g. gamepad button for a long time doesn't cause any processing in windows. So you can have some cheap gamepad with 8 buttons and connect those buttons as light switches, gear control etc.

28.11.2008 - New features in version 1.4

On user requests (thanks for your input) mouse support was implemented. Macro can be activated by mouse button press/release or mouse wheel scroll. Again default windows behavior is deactivated when mouse event has some macro assigned. Especially mouse wheel can be used for various actions in FS - tuning the radios, trim aircraft, set heading knob etc. Mouse button can have different macro for press and release. This was intended for toggle switches in simple home cockpit, however windows mouse driver provides some control on HW level so it brings only limited functionality. But it's perfectly usable for simple clicks. Also another macro action was implemented. You can launch different application when macro is activated.