HID macros: Software for sending keyboard macros activated from different USB devices

Documentation in French

Marc Berthomeaux has written nice document about HIDmacros in French. Also see HIDmacros page at www.fs-tutoriels.com

Problems with UAC under Vista

Jerome Buhl reported problems with HIDmacros having User Account Control (UAC) turned on. Behavior of HIDmacros depends on windows focus on his PC. The issue was solved by turning UAC off. On the other hand I use HIDmacros with Vista Home Premium 64bit without issues with UAC turned on.

HIDmacros auto-start - together with FSX

Johan Bellardi describes a way how to configure FSX to automatically start HIDmacros.

In c:\Documents and settings\XXXX\Application data\Microsoft\FSX is a file called EXE.XML. You can here include the EXE programs to start whenever you load FSX.
Where to find exe.xml
I added the following as below picture and it is working great.
How to modify exe.xml