I'm currently messing around with the quickstart script and and I can't seem to stop the original key I press from showing up.
This is my code:
Code: Select all
clear() --clear the console from last run
local keyboardIdentifier = 'ID_02A1'
lmc_device_set_name('MACROS1', keyboardIdentifier);
-- define callback for whole device, assign each key of the keyboard to an imaginary key (usually, keyboards have F1-F12, so we start assigning keys to F13)
lmc_set_handler('MACROS1',function(button, direction)
if (direction == 1) then return end -- ignore down; if you want to be able to type the original letters as well with the secondary keyboard, remove this line
if (button == string.byte('S')) then lmc_send_keys('^s')
elseif (button == string.byte('F')) then lmc_send_keys('{y}')
elseif (button == string.byte('A')) then lmc_spawn("C:\\Program Files\\Blender Foundation\\Blender 2.82\\blender.exe")
elseif (button == string.byte('2')) then lmc_send_keys('{F15}')
elseif (button == string.byte('3')) then lmc_send_keys('{F16}')
elseif (button == string.byte('4')) then lmc_send_keys('{F24}')
elseif (button == 90) then lmc_send_keys('^+%{b}') -- once F keys are over, just use combitations with alt, ctrl, shift, win, or tab (https://github.com/me2d13/luamacros/wiki/List-of-Keys)
-- etc.
else print('Not yet assigned: ' .. button)
Backspacing won't do in my case because I want this to work as hotkeys in my progams.
Any idea how to achieve this?