Macro loosing after ini -> xml config

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Macro loosing after ini -> xml config

Post by user99 » 21 Jun 2011, 13:33

Since the settings are stored in a xml instead of the ini file I have Macro & Settings loosing on every time the program is closed automatically on a windows log off. This problem is also accruing if I kill the process in the Task-manager.

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Re: Macro loosing after ini -> xml config

Post by admin » 22 Jun 2011, 07:58

Hmm, I will probably add some "Save configuration" button & xml config file backup as you can loose data when something goes wrong.
Xml file is stored when application is closed so I understand you may loose changes when task is killed through task manager. But during windows logoff it should be closed correctly.
I'll have a look.
Petr Medek
LUAmacros author

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Re: Macro loosing after ini -> xml config

Post by user99 » 23 Jun 2011, 18:04

Now i found my mistake ! Some whitespace and & signs in the XML that my MacroSwapper program, that i am developing currently, generated.
Well I found one problem that is crushing my plans currently: HidMacros is killing XML comments that I use to get positions while editing the XML file.
Could you do something about this ? This would make my work so much easier ;)

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Re: Macro loosing after ini -> xml config

Post by admin » 24 Jun 2011, 09:08

You should not need to edit the xml directly.
You can have comments in scripts if you need.
I parse the xml to load all configuration and save it again from configuration variables. So I would need special code to take care of comments inside the xml.
I would say this is the lowest priority in my TODO list - almost "not planned" :-). Sorry.
Petr Medek
LUAmacros author

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